Volunteer Submission

We are pleased to implement our Phunkberry volunteer program. There are various jobs that we need assistance with during the festival. Volunteers will be required to work three (3) five (5) hour shifts throughout the weekend. You will be required to purchase your ticket at least 60 days prior to the event start. Upon completion of your 3 shifts you will receive a refund for your ticket.

Perks include:

  • Complete reimbursement of 4 day event ticket
  • Staff T-shirt

We have a multitude of jobs throughout the weekend including:

  • Front Gate assistance
  • Parking Team
  • Safeberry Team
  • Bathroom Cleaning Team
  • Recycling Team
  • Trash Clean-up Team
  • Security assistance

Volunteer Submission Form

*indicates required field

*Your Name:


*Phone Number

*Street Address:



*Zip Code

*Are you over 18?


*T-Shirt size?

*First Aid certified?

Other certifications?

*Do you have experience working at festivals in the past?

If yes explain?

*Tell us about yourself:

*Please select the jobs you would be willing to work. Please note that by selecting more options you have a better opportunity to land a job working for us:
Front Gate assistanceParking TeamEMT workersSafeberry TeamBathroom Cleaning TeamTrash Clean-up TeamRecycling TeamSecurity assistance